Monday, December 30, 2019
Alternative Marketing - 1131 Words
ALTERNATIVE MARKETING I. Introduction: TRADITIONAL MASS MEDIA faces many challenges. Although advertisers are not ready to abandon traditional media alternative forms of media and marketing arises. This alternative marketing will be discussed in this chapter. II. ALTERNATIVE MARKETING PROGRAMS In developing Alternative Marketing Programs it requires creativity and imagination. Marketers seek to identify new places where a consumer’s path intersects with a brand’s presence, or create a new intersection point. Marketing professionals look for more innovative ways to reach target audience. From alternative marketing programs, attention-getting marketing messages can be developed and firms can supplement or replace mass media†¦show more content†¦REASONS FOR USING GUERILLA MARKETING †¢ To find a new way to communicate with consumers †¢ To interact with consumers †¢ To make advertising accessible to consumers †¢ To impact a spot market †¢ To create buzz †¢ To build relationships with consumers †¢ XIII. LIFESTYLE MARKETING Lifestyle Marketing involves identifying marketing methods associated with the hobbies and entertainment venues of the target audience. Lifestyle Marketing Includes contacting consumers at places such as farmer’s markets, bluegrass festivals and other places where large concentrations of potential customers are found. XIV. EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING Experiential Marketing combines direct marketing, field marketing and sales promotions into a single consumer experience. Typically involves direct marketing through interactive means such as special events and free samples. XV. STEPS TO INCREASE PROBABILITY OF SUCCESFUL EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING †¢ Step 1: Choose a clear, concise market segment to target. †¢ Step 2: Identify the rightShow MoreRelatedCompare Alternative Definition of Marketing913 Words  | 4 Pages1a. Marketing term appeared firstly in United State in the early 20th century and then spread to Europe and Asia. In the meantime, there are many definitions of Marketing given by leading organisations and experts in the fields of economy such as: Kotler, CIM, AMA†¦ - Definition of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM): â€Å"Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying , anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably†. - Definition of Philip Kotler: Read MoreMarketing Alternative Assignment 3%1715 Words  | 7 PagesChapter 1 Thinking as an economist Answers to review questions 1 They probably mean that, given the competing demands on their limited resources, there are other things (a holiday, private school fees, a new computer) that they choose to spend their income on rather than a plasma screen television. 2 Your friend probably means that your tennis game will improve faster if you take individual lessons instead of group lessons. However, individual lessons are also more costly than group lessons, soRead MoreFood Pricing and Marketing Practices: Dietary Choices and Food Alternative1126 Words  | 5 PagesFood pricing and marketing practices determine individual dietary choices. These dietary choices inversely correlate to income and obesity (French, 2003; Drewnowski, Specter, 2004; Cawley, 2004). Extending the consequences of dietary choices one step further are an array of diseases, including diminished immunities, diabetes, heart disease and cancer resulting from poor choices. We can identify the problem but how can we effect a solution? Obesity among low socioeconomic populations is increasingRead MoreFilmore Furniture Ltd1266 Words  | 6 Pagesability to provide the same product. * They can gain profit by charging for freight , and storage space The bargaining power of Buyers:- * Price sensitivity * It is strong, as the competition is intense * They have many alternatives suppliers to get the product they desire. * Customer seek FAB (Feature, Advantages and Benefits) Threat of new entrants:- * The threat of new entrants in to the industry is moderate * A significant amount of financial investmentsRead MorePreparing an Assessment for Lotus Rental Cars CEO on the Feasability of Adding Alternative Fuel Vehicles to the Fleet1530 Words  | 6 Pagesthe feasibility of adding alternative fuel vehicles to the fleet. Although there are many forms of alternative fuel vehicles, this study will primarily focus on the use of hybrid vehicles at Lotus Rental Cars. We will discuss the background of Lotus Rental Car’s current status, the advantages and disadvantages of adding alternative fuel vehicles, and provide our recommendation on why and how it should be done. Our focus will be on three specific areas: budget costs, marketing strategy and performanceRead MoreStrengths685 Words  | 3 Pagesmass-produced hybrid gas-electric vehicles (gas and electric), e.g. Prius model. Based on advanced technologies and Ramp;D activity. With oil prices at an all time high - this investment and widening of product portfolio fits consumers loo king to alternative sources of fuels away from gas guzzling cars * To expand more aggressively into new segments of the market. The launch of Aygo model by Toyota is intended to take market share in youth market. * To produce cars which are more fuel efficientRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )1105 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract: Although allopathic medicine or termed Western medicine is more widely accepted than complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) it has only started to emerge since the 1800s. Complementary and alternative modalities have been around for thousands of years, and for some can be found on cave drawings. As allopathic medicine has different modalities, so does complementary and alternative medicine such as: acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy and massage to name a few. NotRead MoreRunning Head : A Sustainable Energy Proposal1446 Words  | 6 Pageseconomy and placing our society’s well being to a halt. With coal slowly being eliminated, this would force us to increasing our oil dependence with the jump into the unknown territory of advancing the worlds focus away from coal to oil, nuclear and alternative fuel to bridge the gap. The plan accomplished in the next 50 years should put to rest any future coal consumption. A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PROPOSAL 4 What needs to be done is inRead MoreAdvantages And Advantages Of Bioenergy And Solar Energy993 Words  | 4 Pagesmore frequently. Therefore, many scientists are struggling with finding some alternative sources of energy to fossil fuel which release a great amount of carbon dioxide that have affected global warming. Governments also struggle with finding some possible solutions to deal with climate change. They are encouraging and investing on researching new energy sources. Bioenergy and solar energy have been highly used as alternative energies. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of bioenergyRead MoreThe Mythological Beginning Of Ayurveda Medicine1243 Words  | 5 Pagescredentialing can vary according to local and state governments causing concern of alternative treatment use and consistency within western medicine. Standardization and Regulation To obtain standardization there needs to be a universal process or measurable range of quality to ensure authentication, quality control, chemo-profiling, process validation, regulatory aspects, clinical risk assessment, consumer awareness and post marketing surveillance are the areas of major concern for their acceptability in modern
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Effects Of Fracking On The Uk Essay - 1855 Words
Introduction: In recent years, fracking changed the world. Suddenly an incredible amount of newly exploitable oil and gas became available. It led to an American boom in the oil industry but it also raised many environmental problems. In this abstract the fracking effect on ground and surface waters will be discussed in the light of U.S cases; and potential effect of fracking on the UK in the future. There two types of water pollution depending on their source, direct and indirect. Direct sources include pollutant which is emitted from the localized anthropogenic source, for example spillage from factories or waste water treatment plants. Indirect sources of water pollution from precipitation. Indirect pollution is difficult to evaluate due to its complexity, therefore in this abstract the focus will be on direct pollution of fracking. The subject of this abstract is the evaluation of different aspects of fracking; water withdrawal, chemical mixing, well injection, produced waters and wastewater in terms of their effect on surface and groundwaters. Water withdrawal In the process of extracting shale gases, in the stages of drilling and fracturing a large volume of water is required. A study Marcellus Shale, and Barnett shale in the U.S was aimed to see how water withdrawal during fracking can affect drinking water quantities. Even though In the U.S hydraulic fracturing uses billions of gallons of water every year, it is less than 1% of the total water consumption, soShow MoreRelatedWhy Fracking Should Be Allowed1481 Words  | 6 Pagesstrongest arguments in favour of fracking is the reduction in CO2 that would occur with increased fracking. As of 2013, coal provided approximately 40% of the world’s electricity needs and provides 29% of the total world energy supply with oil being the largest at 31%. Coal-fired power plants are responsible for over 83% of the CO2 pollution since 1990, and have the highest ratio of CO2 output per unit of electricity out of all the fossil fuels. These emissions cause effects worldwide; acid rain, air p ollutionRead MoreA Comparison of Life in Four Contrasting Countries: The USA, the UK, China and Bangladesh1652 Words  | 7 PagesContrasting Countries: The USA, the UK, China and Bangladesh By Bertie Ellison-Wright The Natural Environment The USA, the UK, China and Bangladesh all have extremely varied environments, in terms of location, size, landforms, geology, natural resources, rivers, coasts, weather and climate, and pollution. However, there are also plenty of similarities between the countries. Location Size The USA is located in North America, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the UK in north-west Europe, and ChinaRead MoreShould Fracking Be Used For Money For Traditional Sources Of Fossil Fuels?1993 Words  | 8 PagesThis house believes that fracking should be used to compensate for traditional sources of fossil fuels in the UK in the next 40 years. I am arguing against this motion from a social and environmental angle. Introduction: In order to comply with the goal to cut traditional fossil fuel consumption by 2050, the UK needs to turn to alternative types of energy. Fracking is a method of extracting shale gas from deep within the earth’s surface, by injecting large quantities of water at very high pressuresRead MoreFracking Affect The Community On A Local Level1434 Words  | 6 Pagesstove, and the electrical power that flow through homes share a common attribute: they are fueled by natural gas or oil, both of which are fundamental sources of energy in the US and are mined through the process of fracking. B.Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is a method of oil and natural gas extraction used to release natural gas that can be converted into energy. A mixture of water, sand, and chemicals is injected into shale formations thousands of feet below the surfaceRead MoreThe Need, Risks And Impacts1396 Words  | 6 PagesFRACKING-â€Å"The Need, Risks and Impacts†Hydraulic Fracking, which is the extraction of natural gas which was earlier protected, has become a major problem today. It is an environmental as well as a health hazard. The large firms which are linked to fracking have tried to justify fracking by citing that the benefits of it outweigh the harm that it might potentially cause. But before buying that argument, it is important for us to understand if the idea of fracking is really good for a long term scenarioRead MoreHydraulic Fracturing Of Natural Gas From Deep Below The Ground1975 Words  | 8 PagesFracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing involves the extraction of natural gas from deep below the ground. A shaft is drilled into the ground followed by a horizontal well hole that flows to the gas layer of the earth. The well is divided into smaller sections and these sections are fractured in sections. Fracking fluid (7 million litres of water is used, several thousand tonnes of sand and 200,000 tonnes of chemicals (de Ri jke, 2013)) is then pumped into the ground at high velocity. CracksRead MoreA Summary On The Role Of Fracking801 Words  | 4 PagesA summary of current viewpoins on the role of fracking given the recent drop in oil prices. Over many decades oil has supplied the global market with a realatively inexpensive method to provide energy and countless products. Without oil the world would not be as well developed as it is today. Large countries such as the USA and China thrive off oil and without it would come to abrubt halt. [1] Saudi Arabia is in possession of vast quantities of crude oil, currently larger than the US. [2] Due toRead MoreIs Fracking A Necessary Evil? For The United Kingdom?3414 Words  | 14 Pages Paper 4 Project 2013-14: Is fracking a ‘necessary evil’ for the United Kingdom? Candidate Number: 127 Word Count: 3000 + 381(Bibliography) = 3381 Introduction Since 2004 the UK has been a net importer of natural gas, as the North Sea reserves have been exploited and nearly exhausted. Today, ten years later, the UK has become even more dependent on foreign gas with over 50% of demand for gas satisfied by foreign supply (Gloystein, 2013). This increasing dependence on foreign countriesRead MoreFracking : A Modern Technique1680 Words  | 7 PagesFracking is a modern technique to explore natural gas through a controversial procedure. The controversy about scientific evidence for the impact of fracking has raged unabated for over a decade. It has now become one of the most popular debates between the supporters of Greenpeace or environmentalists and the energy companies. Now it’s a centrepiece of discussion in the context of the energy solution and considered as a really important source of energy by last few decades. Recent developments inRead MoreDescribe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity. (P3 and M2)2355 Words  | 10 PagesDescribe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity. (P3 and M2) Social implications of business ethics The social implications often refer to those businesses that have an effect on society as a whole. They can relate to a number of areas of activity. I will now talk about the areas of activity. Areas of activity Ethics in finance In financial dealing and payments there are many kinds of unethical behaviour, however there are regulations
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Xcom/285 Business Writing Portfolio Free Essays
Business Writing Portfolio Mea Greenidge September 26, 2010 XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication Axia College The writing skills and techniques learned in my Essentials of Managerial Communication class can and will benefit me in my future classes as well as in my career in many ways. A few of the skills learned are including, but not limited to the appropriate ways of communicating depending on the audience, e-mail and business letter writing etiquette and also the importance of unbiased speaking in the workplace. It is important to have been taught these skills as I now know that there are many changes that need to be made to my future business plan and even in my current work day. We will write a custom essay sample on Xcom/285 Business Writing Portfolio or any similar topic only for you Order Now I can use the skills that I was taught to give efficient business lectures and presentations. The class also taught me the importance of appropriate introductions and closing. Within this lesson I learned that every presentation should be altered based on the type of audience to whom it will be presented to as a presenter can easily lose his or her audience if the presentation is not created specifically for that audience. Another lesson in the Essentials of Managerial Communication class discussed the proper ways to begin business writing. It is important to have business writing mapped out and clearly thought out before one even begins writing. A writing map or outline can be used as a guide for a writer so that he or she may effectively include all the necessary information needed within the writing. In my future endeavors as a wife, mother, daughter, student, employee and future business woman, I will take the skills learned from this communications class and apply them in any way possible as these skills are skills that will only push me further down the road to success within my business. [pic] NOTICE OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS HOURS Effective SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 In an effort to preserve fuel and energy and due to the slowing economy, Effective September 1, 2010, Dress for All will be changing its store hours to Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. Memorandum To:ALL COMPANY EMPLOYEES CC:ALL MANAGERS From:PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Date:9/26/2010 Re:NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BUSINESS HOURS Effective September 1, 2010, Dress for All will be changing its store hours to Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. As a result of this change all employee work hours will be changing as well. In the coming weeks full time employees’ work schedule will be converted to a four day work week/ ten hour work day. For all part time employees, schedules will be converted to a 1, 2, or 3 day work week depending on the average number of hours worked. There will NOT be a change in compensation at this time. Thank you all for your continued hark work and cooperation regarding this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact your immediate supervisor. Regards, Mea Greenidge Public Relations Manager Confidential E-MAIL To: STORE MANAGERS CC:OWNERS From:PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Date:9/26/2010 Re:NOTICE OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS HOURS Managers, As you all may be aware the cost of gas has been rising immensely and in an effort to lower operations cost, Dress For All will be changing its store hours. The new store hours will be Monday-Saturday opening at 10am and closing at 9pm. As a result of the change in the business hours, there will also be a change in employee work hours. In the coming weeks full time employees work schedule will be converted to a four day work week/ ten hour work day. For all part time employees, schedule will be converted to a 1,2, or 3 day work week depending on the average number of hours worked. The change may be difficult to adjust to for some of the employees, so it will be your jobs as managers to assist and work with them as much as possible during the transition. The employees will be notified of the change within the next week and will be directed to their immediate supervisors with any questions or concerns that they may have. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at any time. Regards, Mea Greenidge Public Relations Manager Many companies have implemented the benefit of tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement benefits both the employer and the employee. Our company has approved a budget plan for the expansion of tuition reimbursement for those employees seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communication. In most cases, companies begin determining whether or not to implement tuition assistance and/or tuition reimbursement during the developmental stages of the company’s benefit package. Other companies wait for the success of the company to begin rolling, and then decide to provide additional benefits for its employees. Offering tuition assistance to employees seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communication, will qualify employees for new internal professional opportunities. Having employees with bachelor’s degree in business and communications will also benefit the company both financially and socially. Business Communications degree programs teach students important skills they’ll need to work in the communications-dependent world of business. Students come out of Business Communications programs ready to write, speak in public, schmooze with clients and do everything else it takes to work as communications managers, public relations specialists, technical writers and more. â€Å"People who complete a business communication program are qualified for a wide range of careers and work in a multitude of industries; a wide variety of industries require the skills and expertise gained in business communication degree program. People working in this field are responsible for constructing, disseminating and evaluating different types of communications, including press releases, e-mails, television commercials, print ads, business reports, conferences and websites. †(Babcock, 2009) Companies with internal business and communication degree recipients are able to complete tasks internally and for a fraction of the normal cost, which another company would have to seek an external company to perform the job. This will prove its self tremendously in the marketing department. Many companies are at times forced to seek additional resources when trying to market their company and/or products. Implementing the addition of tuition reimbursement to our employee benefits, will lessor the number of times we have to call outside sources, and provide us with more internal resources for marketing and public relations. According to the University of Phoenix, â€Å"The Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Communications promotes the knowledge and skills needed for effective communication within the business environment. Giving employees the option to higher their education to completing their bachelor’s degree in business and communication not only builds additional rapport between the employee and employer, but it also gives the employer the opportunity to create new positions based on the capabilities of the current employees. In addition to the perks, rewards and benefits received from the current position, having a bachelor’s deg ree in business and communication will boost ones earnings potential tremendously, which will ultimately boost the earning potential of the company in which they are employed. The monetary value of a college degree is hard to dispute. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, adults aged 18 and older holding a bachelor’s degree earned an average of $51,544 in 2004, compared with an average of $28,645 earned by those with a high school diploma–or about 73% more. Multiplied over the course of a lifetime, that could translate into a difference in income of hundreds of thousands of dollars. †(Value of a College Degree) Take public relations specialist for example, â€Å"Median annual earnings for public relations specialists were $43,830 in 2004. Communications professionals involved in advertising and related services had salaries of $50,450 in the same year. †Therefore, the earning potential of individuals seeking a bachelor’s degree in business and communications will increase immensely following the completion of the program. Not only will the employees who take advantage of the newly implemented benefit of tuition reimbursement see an increase in their earning potential, they will also see an increase of different positions within a business that they now qualify for. The of the different careers people with a bachelor’s degree in business and communications include but are not limited to, a Public Relations Specialists, Technical Writers, and Communications Managers. â€Å"Graduates of Business Communications bachelor’s degree programs generally have better employment opportunities than students who graduate from associate programs. †(Education-Portal) Competition within the field of business communications is particularly high at the entry-level, and the number of qualified applicants usually exceeds the number of job openings available. Employments for a business communication degree regiments is expected to grow faster than average to 2014, as the demand for professional and it’s skilled candidates grows with the competitive business industry. As previously stated, having internal employees with the capabilities of the above mentioned job titles will benefit the company in multiple ways including being able to complete different task without being required to hire an outside company or individual. In most cases, businesses are able to tilize individuals with a degree in Business and Communications, to Draft press releases, contact people in the media, prepare speeches, conduct presentations, make film presentations, slideshows, and compile media kits. Putting together reports, articles, and news stories are also among the many things that can be done. When our company expands or employee benefits, adding tuition reimbursement for those seeking a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Communications will ul timately only provide positive benefits for our company and its employees. With the skills and training learned in the Business and Communications program, our employees will be able to boost our marketing and public relations department as well as our technical support and information systems department. In addition, with the conflict management and strong writing skills learned employees will also be able to assist in the employee relations department if needed. Adding tuition reimbursement for those seeking a Bachelor’s degree in business and communications will ultimately be another step forward in our company’s journey to success. References Babcock, Pamela. 2009. Always More to Learn. †HRMagazine 54, no. 9: 51. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2010). Education-Portal. com  © copyright 2003-2010 Education-Portal. com. All other trademarks and Copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. â€Å"Tuition Reimbursement and More. †Connection: The Journal of the New England Bo ard of Higher Education 19, no. 1 (Summer2004 2004): 21. Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2010). â€Å"Value of a College Degree. †Facts On File: Issues Controversies, EBSCOhost (accessed September 26, 2010). How to cite Xcom/285 Business Writing Portfolio, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Borders free essay sample
Is defined as the place In which one lives or resides, usually with those they love. However in Thomas Kings Borders a family is kept from their home and loved ones because of a difference in opinion of what defines a home. In his short story of determination ad persistence King uses the duty free store and its parking lot to define the family home and what exactly that means to both them and the world. For simply borders surrounding you but how can one truly define some home know what Is home, for it Is different for everyone. Where is home, is it in the house which we reside, the town in which we live, or imply with the people that we love? In Borders home is an ever-present theme that is constantly trying to be defined, the parking lot and duty free store are used a lot to determine where is home. We will write a custom essay sample on Borders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For most of the world your home is where you come from the country where you were born but does this mean we are limited to only one home? That there is only one place we belong? The government and officials say for purposes of safety one must belong to one country or another, must call one place home.In Kings Borders the mother and son challenge this idea by refusing to state en specific country as home and end up stuck in the middle, forced to make their own new home in a parking lot. As Blackfoots the mother and son belong to both the American and Canadian side yet are constantly asked by television reporters how it felt to be an Indian without a country (peg. 262) which makes no sense, because in all reality they are Indians with two countries, two homes and for a short while even a third home right in the middle.Neither of them felt that flagpoles, men with guns, man made borders, or even the name of a country should be able to define their mom. Their home is as the narrator de clares wherever they are together with family telling, stories all about the stars (peg. 261) and simply being together. As well even after being told for days to state their home they defied the law, got along Just fine and were able to make It across both borders, proving that your country of birth does not define who you are or where you can go, home Is yours to create.What makes home, home? Is it the roof over head, the land on which we sleep, the people who surround us? Ever so often people and Ides are put into boxes to fit benefiting, to fit borders yet in Kings story this idea of needing to be contained and labeled is challenged and overcome. The parking lot where the mother and son are temporarily living represents the Blackfoot population and their history of being contained to one small space between two much larger areas.For generations the narrator states that these people have been forced to choose one country or another to define them which for them is impossible because as far back as they can remember they have been defined by nature, not border guards with their [feet set wide apart and holsters pitching up and down] or by flagpoles. (peg. 57) Since their arrival so long ago their borders of home have been the rivers and mountain ranges, stopped. Although the mother and son are told to define themselves by one country or another they object and instead end up with luxuries like no one else, they receive food and water for free, have a place to sleep and are sold everything duty free. Therefore instead of following the rules of each country they remain in the middle able to do what they please while out of reach of wither government. After all being told to pick a home did nothing but give this family the opportunity to make a whole new one in a simple patch of cement.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Good Writer Tactics
GOOD WRITER TACTICS Being a writer is NOT easy. You know that. Whether you are a freelancer or a Pulitzer-prize winning novelist, an immense amount of work goes into each word you put on paper. And even the most renowned writers have to work at it. Sure, every writer has his own personal tricks to keep the content flowing and the copy crisp, but since I haven’t the time or the energy to track down really famous authors for their advice, I’ll share with you my own tidbits. Chew on them, savor them, but please, don’t spit them out. Write every day. Let me preface this by saying, you don’t have to wake up every day at 5 am yearning to write for the next twelve hours. As stated earlier, writing is hard, but as with everything, it takes practice. Think of it this way. Michael Jordan certainly didn’t become the greatest basketball player of all time by only playing when he felt like it. And the same goes for you. Pick a time everyday to sit down and practice your craft. You can blog, journal, work on a freelance article, write your name over and over and over. The important thing is to get your brain in the habit of working daily. Make the most of your time. There will be days that you will sit down at your computer, and the creativity will flow like manna from heaven allowing you to capitalize on this copy catharsis. But if you’re anything like me, these days are few and far between. So what do you do the other 364 days a year? Read the rest of my blogs, of course. But seriously, keep your day’s writing goal in mind, and make the decision ahead of time to push through. Bounce your ideas, or lack thereof, off of other writers you know, and you may just find another route to the end of your project. Realize you are your own worst critic (most of the time). In my experience, my most praised works have been the ones I personally thought were the worst. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case all the time. Like I’ve said before, as writers, we get do-overs. And even when we feel as if our writing talent has chosen to take a hiatus right before deadline, the best copy can come from embracing the desperation. Think of it as a personal challenge. Get it all down on paper, and refuse to judge it until someone else has given their opinion. If you get good feedback, give yourself a pat on the back. Get negative feedback? Grit your teeth, rewrite it, and then thank God that writers get drafts.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Need to Care for the Environment Essays
The Need to Care for the Environment Essays The Need to Care for the Environment Paper The Need to Care for the Environment Paper Whether the issue is air pollution, endangered species, re-cycling, or clean water, all environmental scientists, educators, and policy-makers agree that the key to public understanding is public education. Without a thorough understanding of the problems facing the planet in terms of its fragile environment, humanity is on a collision course with disaster. It is not enough to warn people, impose economic sanctions, and establish strict regulations. People must understand why they should recycle, how they can take care of their waste, and what they can do to lessen their own individual impact on the earth. It is also essential that environmental education be appropriate and applicable to the person doing the learning. Too often, environmental education focuses on a topic far removed from the reality of the student. A child living in the mountains can have all the concern in the world for the manatee or the blue whale and be completely unaware of the forest degradation going on in her own mountain backyard. Likewise a Brentwood student can be vitally concerned about the nuclear waste dumps in the desert but still mindlessly damage her own unique environment. In order for environmental education to be truly effective it must be both relevant and applicable. Such awareness may be the only truly viable option that exists that can make a difference in saving or renewing the earths rapidly diminishing natural resources. Such education must be fully integrated so that the student can understand the interrelatedness of all aspects of the environment, including her role within it. Once a person understands that all life on earth, not just human life, is dependent on the health and protection of the environment, it is no longer possible to dismiss the planet as a nothing more than an object designed to meet human needs and desires. The most valuable time to begin such environmental education and awareness is with teenagers while they have not yet lost their sense of connection to all that surrounds them. In order to best communicate the importance of the environment and the need to care for it as vigilantly as human beings care for themselves, students must begin to learn at an early age to respect the earth, its environment and all of its inhabitants. The environment is not some abstract concept. That lesson must continue to be taught and learned throughout life in order to facilitate meaningful change. Each individual must understand the consequences of her actions on the surrounding environment, whether it is in a rural area or city. Teenagers are, admittedly, creatures of self-interest but certainly there can be no greater service to oneself than the assurance that there is clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, healthy food to eat or sanitary housing. The foundation and encouragement of that self-interest is education. Beginning in the first years of school, children are taught the processes of life on this planet. Even very young kids can easily understand that a strong plant cannot grow in unhealthy soil or that trash does not simply disappear. There can be no more valuable lesson than how to not poison oneself through unthinking or greed-based actions. Active recycling is genuinely a better lesson than algebra and living more simply in the midst of a consumer-driven society is undeniably more useful than memorizing the dates of battles long since fought. Environmental education can and does make a difference and is a valuable ideal for the future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Use of Torture in Interrogation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Use of Torture in Interrogation - Essay Example Law enforcement agencies are sometimes forced to inflict torture on suspects in order to retrieve trial information from them. The information that suspects may be hiding could be exceptionally vital in saving the lives of citizens. Therefore, law torture should be used in circumstances when law enforcement agents are seeking vital information from suspects; information that is likely to save the lives of the general public. McCain is one of the prominent people in the U.S who have vehemently opposed the use of torture during interrogation. McCain might be justified to push for legislations that illegalize the use of torture because he underwent torturous moments when he participated in the Vietnamese war. However, the debate on whether to legalize or illegalize the use of torture should not be discussed from the perspective of individuals past experiences. Taking such as perspective might make emotions cloud people’s judgment and limit sound decision making on the matter. Acc ording to Krauthammer, the debate would be healthy if the three kinds of war prisoners are brought into the picture. Krauthammer argues that for the purpose of torture and prisoner maltreatment, three kinds of war prisoners exist. The first category involves an ordinary solder caught on the field of battle (Krauthammer). This situation does not amount to exceptional circumstances that permit the use of torture for interrogation. Krauthammer indicates that the detention of such a soldier is for one sole purpose; â€Å"to keep him hors de combat†. Furthermore, if there is another just way of keeping such a prisoner away from the battle field, it should be employed. Krauthammer argues that because the main reason of keeping such a prisoner under those circumstances is to prevent him from becoming a commandant again, and he deserves all the protections and dignity of an ordinary domestic prisoner. Torturing such a prisoner would be inhumane, and it is not necessary. The second ca tegory involves a captured terrorist. By definition, a terrorist is an unlawful combatant. Krauthammer argues that â€Å"a terrorist lives outside the laws of war because he does not wear a uniform; he hides amongst civilians and targets the innocent†(Krauthammer. Such a terrorist is not entitled to protection at all. When the third category of the terrorist is mentioned, the discussion on torture becomes complicated. Consider a circumstance where by the captured terrorist has information on a bomb that has been planted in a city, and the bomb might go off in an hour’s time. Most probably, the lives of one million people are in danger. These are the exceptional circumstances where torture needs to be applied in order to secure the lives of civilians. In case the suspect has vital information, and he is unwilling to cooperate, then acts of morality and humanity become dependent on the ultimate goal; to save the lives of civilians. It would be logical to use torture and retrieve the much need information so as to save the endangered population. Krauthammer notes â€Å"the complications reflect precisely the dilemmas regarding all coercive interrogation, the weighing of the lesser of two evils: the undeniable inhumanity of torture versus the abdication of the duty to protect the victims of a potentially preventable mass murder†. Zandt argues that the overriding public safety becomes a priority when compared to the prisoner’
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36
Leadership - Essay Example The video, How to Win Power and Influence People features Jeffrey Pfeffer giving loads of wise words on how managers can wield power over their staff and increase production and profitability of their organizations. Jeffrey’s pronouncement that power is the most precious resource for a manager is indeed a new viewpoint to those who believe in democratic management. A close overview of these videos together with an Interview with David Ulrich gives guidelines that can transform operations of many organizations. As Garry points out, innovation, resilience, inspiration and accountability are core principles that every manager determined to succeed must possess. A manager capable of exercising profound expertise and emotional commitment will certainly make a landmark impact on an organization. Coupling these abilities with a rare capacity to win people’s affection and favor makes such a manager an idol and a treasure to the company he runs. As a manager in a Convenience Store, putting all these cherished secrets of success into practice will tremendously improve operations of my department. With the power to influence the staff under me I will have a sizeable staff that is enthusiastic to carry out errands in the store without grumbling. Being an emotionally attached manager to the operations of the store will not only make me an efficient manager, but will encourage and motivate the junior staff to perform to the same standards of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Equal Opportunities and Diversity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Equal Opportunities and Diversity - Case Study Example The business case chosen for review is Tesco Ireland. This is one of the leading employers in Ireland and is also a classic example of an organisation that has to deal with diversity. Among its eleven thousand employees, the Company has a large percent of them coming from different parts of the world like America, Africa, Asia and other parts of Europe. The Company has a fair representation of people from various age groups that start from fifteen to eighty five. Besides this, the Company has also recruited and managed people with disability, different religious beliefs among others. Correspondence/similarities between equal opportunities and diversity have been demonstrated even in customer care by Tesco Ireland. The Company has made some changes that make shopping easier for persons with disabilities; first the Company has wide aisles that enable a person on a wheelchair or any device that helps in movement to use their stores easily. Secondly, Tesco has installed shelves that can easily be reached by children, undersized people or those on wheel chairs because those shelves are lower in height. Besides this, the Company has also incorporated wide ranges in its stores. All these changes were made after surveying Customers in a routine program managed by the Company called Customer Question Time Panels. (Mckillion, 1999) However, differences between equality and diversity were shown in the treatment of Polish Immigrant Workers during the year 2005. In the month of August, there were some agency workers of Polish origin who felt that they were not being granted equal opportunities in comparison to other workers. They engaged in a strike that highlighted the following discrepancies; Unequal salary payments between non-Polish workers and them Minimal chances of permanent employment for Polish Workers Poor working conditions These Polish workers were engaged in the distribution section of the Company. The Company tried to stand up for itself but their words to the press had already tarnished their image. In light of this strake, Tesco Ireland demonstrated that it did not treat its diverse workforce in an equal manner. (Berry, 2005) Equal opportunities and diversity in recruitment In the year 1999, Tesco Ireland worked hand in hand with North side Partnership to hire a number of employees perceived to be needy. These included; Travellers People with disability Recovered drug addicts Former prisoners (Thomas, 1990) These groups of people were hired to work in a new supermarket that would be opened five years from that time. The Company did not decide to hire these needy persons because there was lack of a better alternative; it did this because it wanted to grant equal opportunities to people in that area-Clare Hall. In actual sense, there were very many other people in need of employment in that area as unemployment was at a record high of sixteen percent in Clare Hall. By so doing, Tesco Ireland has shown that equal opportunities can be available to a diverse workforce thereby demonstrating that there are similarities in the latter two concepts. Similarities between equal opportunity and diversity have also been demonstrated by the Company by recruitment of people who have exceeded the official
Friday, November 15, 2019
Harm Reduction And Zero Tolerance
Harm Reduction And Zero Tolerance In this essay the author will explore and critically evaluate harm reduction in drug rehabilitation versus zero tolerance approaches, with reference to public policy issues in drug use. Drawing on available literature on the policy context, and on literature and evidence from the rehabilitation domain, the author will develop a discursive analysis of how harm reduction can present a workable and potentially valuable intervention solution in developing concrete policies which might effectively address this rapidly increasing social need. Harm reduction is a process by which those involved in the rehabilitation process with illegal drug users attempt to reduce the risks of drug taking behaviour rather than trying to eradicate drug use altogether. In Australia, drug users have traditionally been addressed with a zero tolerance approach, in which the drug user is counselled towards complete abstinence from drug use (Wodak and Moore, 2002). Socio-politically this approach is both lauded and condemned and both for good reason. A reorientation away from legal and punitive, law enforcement approaches to controlling illegal drug trafficking and use and towards a health-oriented model of rehabilitation of drug users is now taking place (Wodak and Moore, 2002), mimicking international trends based on research evidence. Thus the policy context has been subject to pressure to engage in new approaches to drug rehabilitation (Wodak and Moore, 2002). Thus policy responses to the moral model of drug use have been viewed as insuffici ent, and the disease model of drug use has grown in popularity in socio-political and therapeutic arenas (Hamilton and Cape, 2002). Australia and New Zealand have both adopted this approach, which is both pragmatic and forward thinking (Hamilton and Cape, 2002). However, it could be argued that this approach represents societies and their governments affording license to an immoral trade which has a significant negative personal, social and medical, not to mention economic, impact on society. This approach accepts that drug use is a common feature of human experience à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[and]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ recognises that abstinence may be the ultimate goal, but accepts that this may not be achievable (or desirable) at least in the short-term (Hamilton and Cape, 2002, p 24). Thus social and political critics can view this as a tolerant attitude which fails to punish those who perpetrate the drug trade and cause significant suffering amongst those who abuse illegal and harmful drugs. All psychoactive drugs have the potential to cause some type of harm (Rumbold and Hamilton, 1998), and as such, represent a risk to the individual and society. However, drug use is viewed by many as normal social behaviour (Rumbold and Hamilton, 1998), and therefore policies which totally outlaw drug use can be viewed as inappropriate. Harm reduction strategies in Australia as enshrined in the National Drug Strategy (Rumbold and Hamilton, 1998), and as such present a more cohesive approach to managing the multiple facets of the problem or social phenomenon that is illicit drug use. Although law enforcement advocates argue that harm reduction strategies are not as effective as their own, economically, treatment and rehabilitation are actually much more cost effective in decreasing drug consumption (King, 1998). However, it is also possible to view legal, legislative and law enforcement approaches themselves as a form of harm reduction. Kutin (1998) shows how leglisative and law enforcement approaches have reduced violence associated with alcohol use. Harm reduction approaches, therefore, need not be viewed as diametrically opposed to the law enforcement approach, and this would argue that current policy orientations which encompass both approaches are actually the ideal way in which to approach the ongoing social an d public health drivers requiring an effective response from the policy level right down to the therapeutic level. According to Hellawell (1995 in Kutin, 1998, p 181): More realistic goals include attempting to reduce the frequency of sue, the quantity and toxicity of drugs consumed and to reduce harm to drug users and the community generally. Harm reduction must be embraced. Police strategies must encompass all these elements. There is ample evidence that harm reduction strategies are beneficial to indvidual clients, and represent the opportunity for significant public health improvement (Ritter and Cameron, 2006). However, McKeganey (2006) shows that in relation to the growth of the prevalence of drug abuse, and the increase in occurrence of drug related harms, including drug related crime, it is now the time to make drug prevention, rather than harm reduction, the focus of policy and practice. Futterman et al (2005) suggest a therapeutic approach which combines effective therapies with harm reduction strategies, working on behaviours with an overall end point of reducing drug use. But the ongoing arguments both for and against harm reduction policies are subject to forces which relate to key features of harm reduction, including: the primary goal being reducing harm rather than reducing drug use; the acceptance that drugs are a part of social life and cannot be eradicated from this; harm reduction is a c omprehensive public health framework; the priority is achievable and immediate goals; and that harm reduction is based upon values of pragmatism and humanism (Ritter and Cameron, 2006). This means that while reducing harm may be an improvement for the individual, and may be more realistic and achievable, there will always be groups and individuals who do not believe that this is a sufficiently aggressive approach, and while harm reduction produces individual benefits (Riley and OHare, 2000; Christie and Anderson, 2003), it does not prevent drug use or remove the threat, risk and harm associated with this practice, and it does not punish those who are effectively breaking the law. Ultimately, many will always reject a humanistic approach which is so pragmatic as to tolerate law breaking and the potential causing of harm to others, as well as to the self (Christie et al, 2008). Yet the evidence remains clear that harm reduction strategies can impact on drug use rates, on risk-associated behaviour such as needle sharing, and on transmission of blood-borne diseases and engagement in rehabilitaton (Hunt, 2005; Stoltz et al, 2007; Strathdee et al, 1999). Therefore, public policies may be subject to an ethical imperative to address illegal drug use via every possible (and effective route), because the long term social costs of untreated drug dependency are of such significance (Wall et al, 2000). Therefore, it could be argued that the zero tolerance approach is, as already demonstrated, not sufficiently effective on its own, and that the harm reduction approach, as one element of a wider policy framework, is likely to bring benefits in the longer term.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a simplistic view of life in the Deep South of America in the 1930s. An innocent but humorous stance in the story is through the eyes of Scout and Jem Finch. Scout is a young adolescent who is growing up with the controversy that surrounds her fathers lawsuit. Her father, Atticus Finch is a lawyer who is defending a black man, Tom Robinson, with the charge of raping a white girl. The lives of the characters are changed by racism and this is the force that develops during the course of the narrative. As previously mentioned, the point of view in this narrative is from Scout. Her upbringing has been respectful to the African-Americans in her society and she shows this with her relationship with her maid, Calpurnia. Other children her age have adopted their parents' racially prejudice views, causing her of many problems. Atticus's lawsuit seems to isolate his children and Scout is taunted with remarks in the playground. Her only retort is violence and Atticus, as an virtuous father, does not condone this behaviour either: "My fist...
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